Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Vacation time?

Kai loves Feather!

Feather's on Vacation!!

Where else should she be when the weather starts to get cold?
Why, the islands of course!  Living a carefree lifestyle (even if it's temporary)
...and the best part is, the souvenir! ;)
Till next time "Peace out" Kiddies!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Introducing........[drum-roll] the...Kiddie Mojo Youth Potion!!

Tinisha loves her Kiddie Mojo (youth) Potion t-shirt!

The creation of the potion...

Unusual suspect Data was arrested while in the process of creating a youth potion for Kiddie Mojo. Now freshly out on bail Data has finished the potion and is putting it on the black market to help fund his anti growing up movement. The arrest was the motivation that he needed to take his movement to higher levels. "I've just began, muwhahaha" chuckles Data.

"Forever Young" by Jay-z & Beyonce live at Coachella

Friday, October 21, 2011

Today's word of the day...

Tempo the music loving tiger (dude, brush your teeth)

Today's word of the day THE OBVIOUS:  What parents state several times a day. E.g., "You still haven't brushed your teeth like I asked."  via IBMP

Monday, October 17, 2011

Why is growing up is over-rated - Reason #1: Bills suck..

Kiddie Mojo believes that "Bills Suck" 

Growing up is over-rated - Reason #1

Bills suck.
Truth is, I'd much rather take another Disney World vacation vs. paying my bills.  There, I said it.  Would I actually skip paying bills to take an awesome vacation with the Kiddos?  Of course not.  That would be super insane!  But hey, one can dream right? :D

What would YOU do if you didn't have to pay bills?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fashion tips for babies

Mojo, Feather, Data, Karma & Tempo of Kiddie Mojo

Enjoy it while you can because growing up is over-rated. Your kids won't let you dress them up for long, and pretty soon, they'll be dressing up in spiked leather collars or wearing saggy pants around their ankles to go to school. While they are still babies, they have to wear whatever you throw on them. Really, baby fashions can be one of the most fun things about being a parent. Go wild, but be sensible. Parenting comes with an endless list of chores, but if you don't stop to enjoy the little things, they'll pass you by. When it comes to baby bibs or trumpette socks, fashioning up your baby or toddler is really just an adult version of playing dress up. 

Easy On, Easy Off! 

Toddlers have the patience, of well, two year olds, so make it easy on them. Choose easy pull overs that come off in one motion. Let them reach for the sky, and be done. Pants should be loose fitting so they can be taken off easily, as if they were playing a game. Trumpette socks are always a good match, as they just pull right off unlike traditional shoes. Breakfast will be complicated enough, right?  Dressing should be simple.

Hassle Free Care 

Caring for your toddler or baby has enough hassles. The last thing you need to worry about are their clothes. Babies and toddlers get messy. That's a fact of life. Use materials that are easy to care for(like these). Make sure all clothes, including trumpette socks, are machine washable, unless you prefer to go down to the river and wash laundry by slapping clothes against a rock :D 

Pack for Three 

Toddlers are messy, from ketchup stains to other messes that just shouldn't be talked about at the dinner table. Always pack for a crowd. Ideally, carry at least three changes of clothes, from underwear to shirts to pants to baby bibs. Unless you want your child running around like a little nudist after the diaper accident, it's best to bring enough outfits to fall back on. A few extra pairs of pants never hurt anybody. 

Depend on Baby Bibs 

Who says baby bibs are just for dinner anymore? Many parents choose to dress their babies up in baby bibs full time. It's just easier that way. Stains are going to happen. Babies cough up all the time. Plus, you can get many funny baby bibs online with hilarious sayings that make fun of Grandpa. 

Don't Forget the Feet 

Feet can be some of the coldest parts of the body, so always remember to pack on the trumpette socks. It's best to carry several pairs because they're easy to lose. Toddlers love throwing socks and other clothes around the room, so bring reinforcements. They come in just as handy as baby bibs!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Get to know Kiddie Mojo!

Emalee Paige - modeling Kiddie Mojo

About Us

Have you ever at any point thought that “growing up was Over-Rated”? Seriously?! When the bills start coming in… or one of the many other responsibilities of being a grown up. Maybe once or twice? Have you just ever thought how cool it was when you could just hang out with your friends after school?
Well if you haven’t then you might not understand Kiddie MojoL We’re a bunch of grown-ups on a mission not to fully grow up, as we scream “I can’t change getting older but I don’t have to grow up.”
The characters here at kiddie mojo Data, Tempo, Feather, Karma & Mojo are fighting the system of growing up and one might just remind you of your inner kid.
The kid in you makes you takes risks when the grown up in you says NOOOOOOOOO, stop, don’t! The kid in you dreams big and shoots for the stars, while the grown up has limits. Listen to the KID!
Mojo is just the special part that holds you all together, the extra push that makes the kid within know that no matter what you do it’ll be fun good or bad!
So enjoy every day from a kids point of view and let your kiddie mojo guide you.

Emalee Paige (Mojo Swag)

Welcome to our blog!
Join us as allies in the fight against growing up
It takes a team of passionate individuals (like you!) to help us spread awareness of the problems adults around the world encounter every day.  Hey being a kid totally rocks!! Why grow up?
Because of these issues the "Anti Growing up Movement" was formed. 
Take the pledge:
I will not grow up, I will get older but I will not GROW UP
I will not take much serious, I will laugh at everyone when they are serious,  I will not follow all the rules because rules suck. 
I will always look serious as a disguise to blend in.  Oh, screw blending in too.. "GROWING UP IS OVER-RATED!!!!!" - Kiddie Mojo

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Lil Dude Stefan - Rocking his Kiddie Mojo!


Who’s YOUR favorite Kiddie Mojo character?

Send us a picture of your child pretending to be their favorite Kiddie Mojo character to: info@kiddiemojo.com

Kiddie Mojo Character contest rules!
(This will be a judged contest with 2 winners)
· Must be creative in representing your favorite Kiddie Mojo character
· One photo entry per child
· Send photo to info@kiddiemojo.com 
(with small description of photo or how he/she is like the chosen character )
· Winners chosen will receive a $50 Kiddiemojo.com gift certificate & model our holiday swag line!!
· Contest will run starting 10/12/11 thru 11/12/11 (winners will be announced on 11/13/11)

Good Luck Kiddies!

Unusual Suspect 'Tempo'

Unusual Suspect 'Tempo'

Tempo was caught busking street performing in the park...

Stay tuned for tomorrows unusual suspect to find out what she did! 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Unusual Suspect 'Data'

Unusual Suspect 'Data'

Unusual Suspect 'Data':

Mistaken for creating recreational drugs

Data's lab is under investigation and his youth elixir (aka Kiddie Mojo youth potion) is


Monday, October 10, 2011

The Unusual Suspects

The Unusual Suspects

WTF (what the flagship) is going on with the Mojo Kiddies?  

Stay tuned this week to find out...